My Journey to give Little to others ― Goodness Gracious!!!!!

Amyn Zariwala
4 min readFeb 21, 2018


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

10 Years ago, when I came to Australia in search of better quality of life I started my journey working as full time student and part-time IT engineer. As years passed by; I learned more and more about giving back to the wider community.

Though volunteerism is one of the strengths of the Ismaili community I belong to. However, associating with people in a wider community and working with them closely has always been a great experience for me and inculcated in me a greater sense of volunteering for wider community.

Mid 2011, I was nominated as a member of settlement team in Ismaili community. I was responsible to assist new immigrants with their job search, accommodation, give awareness of Australian culture and much more. My three years of service as a volunteer in that role, I came across to people with different situations and challenges. The key to success then was a mix of patience, motivation, positive attitude and thrive to see the change. I always believed that “God helps those who help themselves” which my wife Tanisha Amyn would always tell me, and this is what I would impart to all immigrants to look forward with optimism and settling themselves in Australia — a land of opportunity.

In late 2013, through the Ismaili community in Melbourne, I and Tanisha Amyn participated in one of the outreach events organized by Whitehorse Interfaith Network. In the following year 2014, we were invited to be a part of Vermont South Lions Club Australia Day Breakfast event to represent the Ismaili Community as a Volunteer. We associated with them at that time and we continued with this engagement to date. Since last two years, I am representing in this event as a key contact person from Ismaili Community Melbourne who help engage community volunteers and help build bridges between the communities.

In 2015, while completing my degree at Deakin university I performed a role of “Peer Support Leader”. The program was designed for local and international students who are new to Australian university, its culture and education delivery and pattern. In that role, I assisted a group of students to overcome challenges such as time management, settling in classes, and job search, extra curricular activities etc. I also introduced them to a number of university’s FREE & VALUABLE student support services such as assignment review, career planning, resume writing, financial assistance, housing and study support etc.

“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Around late 2015, when I was looking for an opportunity where I can share my knowledge & experience to support the wider community. My wife Tanisha Amyn has advised me to join AMES Australia as a Professional Mentor. From what I have learnt as a professional mentor, It is truly an experience and the level of satisfaction I received by my contribution is magical. I enjoyed seeing success of my Mentees when they got their first job, they did their first certification, they cleared their interview rounds and when they were able to support their families financially and morally.

“Pluralism is no longer simply an asset or a prerequisite for progress and development, it is vital to our existence” ― The Aga Khan IV

In all these years, I have seen Australia has grown as one of the largest multicultural society and I am blessed to be a part of this society. This mentoring support has also given me an opportunity to meet and have strong bonding with people of different race, culture, and belief. So far I have mentored people from India, Pakistan, Singapore, Egypt and list goes on.

“The Islamic ethic is that if God has given you the capacity or good fortune to be a privileged individual in society, you have a moral responsibility to society― The Aga Khan IV

Now in early 2018, I am elected as a Chairman of Whitehorse Interfaith Network. It’s a privilege for me to serve the wider community and establish strong bridges with various faiths and work towards a common goal — betterment of society & contribution to humanity!

With so much of gratitude to God for making me capable and for so much of love, respect and support I have received all throughout, I continue on my journey with the below quote:

“I’m looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past ― Mike Rowe

Disclaimer : This story solely belongs to author’s life and contribution to the community, author has no intention to promote or disrespect any organization, faith group, community or individual through it. Please share your views, if you agree that every small contribution to the society could make a difference.



Amyn Zariwala
Amyn Zariwala

Written by Amyn Zariwala

Co-Founder @ AZTA Group Pty Ltd | Cloud/Infrastructure Solutions Architect | TechExpertsBlog | | Professional Mentor | Influencer | Justice of Peace NSW

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